This 4 wheel machine serves for work and races with 5-8 harnessed dogs.
The front suspension, which is based on air regulated shock absorbers, is completely independent, and for better stability it has been based on 24” wheels which make it able to overcome obstacles faster.
The heart of the 4 wheeler is a frame made of the hardest and lightest aluminium which can be welded.
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Its story started inconspicuously. First, in 2007, a few months before my first European championships I designed and manufactured the prototype which I rode to win the gold medal and my first title of the fastest competitor in Europe.
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A basic type of scooter for sports with dogs as well as for general fitness and training and leisure. While riding this scooter the competitors of dogs sled can take care not only of their dogs’ condition but also of their own in the summer period. Body movement on the scooter is similar to that while riding a sled.
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